Wow, sorry it has been so long since the last post. Ending the school year has been overwhelming this year. I must be getting old because I am finding it difficult to do 100 things at the same time anymore! I hope all you moms out there had a wonderful Mother's Day!
New Piece
I was able to work on a pair of earrings and boy did these bad boys make my hands heart. Between the corpal tunnel and RA it took me a whole day to make these. The frame was formed from sterling silver wire and the weave was also done with sterling silver wire. The adornments were done with gold filled and vermeil (sterling silver coated with 14-24 carat gold) findings. The vermeil definition was told to me when I purchased my findings so if you have more to add or what I was told was incorrect then please email me. I am very honest about the materials I use in my jewelry and purchase only the best to make my pieces so when you purchase from me you are getting exactly what the description entails.
This was the bracelet used for the raffle that a dear friend of mine (hey Bonnie!) held at her horse show the Sat. before Mother's Day. She held a raffle to help me get exposure and also gave me the proceeds from the raffle. The raffle ended with $85.00. Those of you that know me know that I do not like for people to see me get emotional but when she told me about the raffle and handed me that envelope I could feel my eyes tearing up! By the way, you all can check out her website at It is still work in process by yours truly so keep checking back to see updates.
We have had three recitals: Piano, Praise Dance, and Violin
The piano was in March but my good photos are on the camcorder so I will have to post that as a video. So here goes.......
Keep checking back, sorry.
Praise Dance
This is where a group of girls use Praise Dance as a form of worship. Mariah, the instructor, is 16yrs. old and did this for our girls as a mission project. Her mother, sister, and a friend helped her with this mission project and I am grateful to them for caring and putting in time with our girls.
This is Gabby's 2nd year in violin.
Well, that is all I have time for right now. Take care, be safe, be blessed, and have a wonderful day!